Using pgRouting with OS Meridian2
A quick guide to building a pgRouting network from Ordnance Survey's Meridian2 dataset. It assumes you have a working PostgreSQL/PostGIS database. The most current information will be on Github:
Get the data
Download the Meridian2 shapefiles for the UK from
Merge the roads
- unzip the downloaded Meridian2 data
- using QGIS you can merge all the roads layers to make one layer.
- Vector Menu > Data Management > Merge Shapefiles To One
- Choose all roads layers
- create merged layer
- Add the new layer to QGIS
Load to the database
- Use the DB Manager in QGIS to load the data to PostGIS. This takes a wee while as there are 1.25 million roads features.
- Optionally create schema: os_m2 (or use public)
- Create table: m2_roads
- Set primary key field: gid
- Set geometry field: geometry
- Set target SRID: 27700
- Check the box to create single part features rather than multipart.
- Check box to create spatial index.
Create a network table
Add some fields that pgRouting needs
ALTER TABLE os_m2.m2_roads
ADD COLUMN source integer,
ADD COLUMN target integer,
ADD COLUMN speed_km integer,
ADD COLUMN cost_len double precision,
ADD COLUMN rcost_len double precision,
ADD COLUMN cost_time double precision,
ADD COLUMN rcost_time double precision,
ADD COLUMN x1 double precision,
ADD COLUMN y1 double precision,
ADD COLUMN x2 double precision,
ADD COLUMN y2 double precision,
ADD COLUMN to_cost double precision,
ADD COLUMN rule text,
ADD COLUMN isolated integer;
Build the indices on the source and target fields to speed things up
CREATE INDEX strat_rds_source_idx ON os_m2.m2_roads USING btree(source);
CREATE INDEX strat_rds_target_idx ON os_m2.m2_roads USING btree(target);
Populate the network table
Calculate coordinates for start and end points of lines
UPDATE os_m2.m2_roads SET
x1 = st_x(st_startpoint(geometry)),
y1 = st_y(st_startpoint(geometry)),
x2 = st_x(st_endpoint(geometry)),
y2 = st_y(st_endpoint(geometry));
Update the length fields with length of the links
UPDATE os_m2.m2_roads SET
cost_len = ST_Length(geometry),
rcost_len = ST_Length(geometry);
Set some average speeds used to calculate travel time. Adjust as required.
UPDATE os_m2.m2_roads SET speed_km =
CASE WHEN number LIKE 'M%' THEN 60
WHEN number LIKE 'A%' THEN 50
WHEN number LIKE 'B%' THEN 40
Calculate the travel time for each link
UPDATE os_m2.m2_roads SET
cost_time = cost_len/1000.0/speed_km::numeric*3600.0,
rcost_time = cost_len/1000.0/speed_km::numeric*3600.0;
Update the statistics on the table and clear out the cruft
Build the topology
Build your network (took 45 min on my quad core processor)
SELECT pgr_createtopology('os_m2.m2_roads',0.001,'geometry','gid','source','target');
Analyse the network
Analyse your network for errors (took another 45 min). You may get some complaints about the geometry being MULTILINESTRING rather than LINESTRING.
SELECT pgr_analyzegraph('os_m2.m2_roads',0.001,'geometry','gid','source','target');
Get lost
Use the pgRouting Layer plugin in QGIS to load your network table and do some routing.